3 common approaching mistakes

3 common mistakes guys make
while approaching women

MISTAKE 1 : Thinking too much
You see a really beautiful girl. She is everything you imagined your perfect girl to be. You know you HAVE to meet her. But instead of walking up and talking to her, you start thinking about everything that could go wrong. She may have a boyfriend, she may not like to be disturbed, her friends may laugh at me, she may laugh at me, she is too hot for me, I am not dressed well enough, I don’t know what to say, I have bad breath, I have body odour, I will run out of things to say, I don’t have my best shoes on, my hair is a mess, she is on the phone, people are watching…and soon you are so nervous, you decide not to approach! The guys who are the best at approaching and seducing women are those who take action DESPITE these excuses playing in their mind. Don’t hesitate or waste time analyzing the situation. Either she’ll notice you dilly-dallying and mark you as a creepy guy. Or, if you think too much, you might convince yourself to not approach.


MISTAKE 2 : Not smiling
This is one of the most common mistakes I see among guys. They’re are so busy worrying about how the approach will turn out, they forget to SMILE! Always smile when you approach a woman or her group. If it doesn’t come naturally, fake it. 🙂 On a subconcious level, a smile signals that the person comes as a friend, and not an enemy. And we are programmed to respond more positively to someone who appears friendly.


MISTAKE 3 : Approaching with an energy level lower than hers
Most women are out to have fun. If you can make her feel happier and lighter than she’s feeling already, you will be welcomed, and she’ll want to talk with you. But if you take her energy DOWN by speaking in a soft voice or with stiff body language, she will want you to go away fast. That’s why, always approach with an energy level that’s slightly higher (or at least equal) than the woman. Some ways to raise your energy level is to talk in a loud and energetic voice, have open body language, gesture as you speak, and smile.
