I don’t care what happens

I don’t care what happens


You see this really cute girl sitting with a friend in a cafe.

What are you first thoughts?

“They look busy, they may not like being disturbed”…… “Maybe she has a boyfriend”
“How do I start a conversation?”… “There is a guy standing near them, let me wait until
he moves away”…. “What if I run out of things to say?”… “I think she’s too hot for me”…
“If she rejects me, will I look like a loser?”… “I think the waiter knows what I’m up to” …
“What if I start sweating and she notices it?” … “Will she call security and get me arrested?”…


“I don’t care what happens, I’m approaching her”


One of the biggest things that stop men from approaching is they think of too many
things that can go wrong.

You can think all day of the negative scenarios that may happen. Or you can just approach.
The worst thing that would happen is  she won’t talk to you. But the best thing? You could meet
the love of your life.

At first, approaching women can feel stressful. But be willing to push through the pain period
and you’ll be among the top 5% of men who get the most women.


Here’s what Arnold Schwarzenegger has to say about pushing through the pain period.

“These last two or three or four repetitions, that’s what makes the muscles grow.
That’s what divides one from a champion and one from not being a champion.
If you can go through the pain period, you make it to be a champion. If you can’t go
through it, forget it. And that’s what most people lack: having the guts – the guts to go in and
just say… “I don’t care what happens.” I have no fear of fainting in the gym… I threw up many
times when I was working out. But it doesn’t matter, because it’s all worth it.”
