It’s not about the girl, it’s about the adventure


There is one big difference I see between guys who
easily learn how to approach women and guys who
find it tough.


The guys who find it easy, don’t give a damn about
whether they get the girl. They are in it for the adventure,
the gamesmanship.


But the guys who find it tough to approach, usually care too
much about the outcome, they worry too much about whether
or not they will get the girl.


When you care too much about the outcome, when you are
too concerned about what will happen, you’re unable to relax,
you stop having fun, and you send out a needy vibe. Girls can
feel this vibe, and it makes them run!


On the other hand, when you don’t care if you get the girl,
and you put out a I’m-just-having-fun-I-don’t-care -what-happens
attitude, you put out a non-needy vibe, which is attractive,
and girls feel drawn to you.


The Bhagavad Gita says the same thing

Remember the principal character from the Bhagavad Gita?
The cool dude who advocated outcome-independence? Who
exhorted Arjuna to do the work without being attached to the
fruits of his actions?


He was not too bad with the chicks, was he?
