Reader’s question : “I got her number from a friend. How do I start a conversation?”


Question from reader :

There is a girl in my town and I haven’t interacted with her, I just got her number from
one of my friends and I really want to start a conversation through phone but the thing is
she doesnt even know me, but she has seen me several times so how should I start a
conversation in a way that she gets attracted towards me…?

– Karan, Ahmedabad



***My response***


It is not easy to attract a quality girl with a borrowed number.


No matter how witty, funny and creative your messages, she knows
that you got her number indirectly, you did NOT have the balls to
approach her directly.


And if she is hot, you can be sure that a dozen other guys have got her
number (just like you did) and have called her already.

And she disconnected their calls within seconds.

She does not have the time to talk to random strangers all day.


So what should  you do?

You have 2 options.


1) Easy option


(though it may appear hard)


Write her number on a piece of paper. Walk up to her confidently and say,



You : “Hey, are you [her name]?”

She says yes.


Show her the piece of paper with her phone number.

You : “Is this your number?”

She says yes.


You : “Hi, my name is Karan.
A friend of yours gave me your number and said
I should call you.

She thinks, you and I will look good together.

But I was not sure.

I don’t even know you.

So I wanted to talk to you first and see what you are like.

Because you never know these days. Some girls turn out to be psychos. 

But you look normal. At least so far.

So what do you do?”  


Talk to her for a few minutes.


Then say, “I wish I had the time to talk some more, but I have to go.
But I am glad we met. At least now I know you’re not weird.
Let me quickly give you a missed call  so you have my number and
may be I will call you some time.”

Give her a missed call, let her phone ring. Say bye and leave.

Now she will be intrigued. Because you have shown that you have balls and
and because she is curious to know which of her friends gave you her number.

When you call her or text her, there is a good chance she will respond with interest.


Note : Here’s the Hindi translation of the above quotes, because many of you
have requested for it. My Hindi is not great, but I have tried.



2) Hard option


(though it may appear easy)


Send her text messages that tease her, that make her laugh, and that display
your high value.

The tone of your messages should non-needy, as if you want nothing from her.

But you still need to provide a reason why you are not approaching and
talking to her in person. It should be a credible reason that does not
make you look like a coward.

When you’ve created enough attraction, meet her. Not for a fancy dinner,
but “just a quick cup of tea or coffee”

It’s impossible for me to give you ready-made messages to send her
they have to be customized, based on her responses.
If you like, you could sign up for phone coaching with us.
A coach will type messages for 
you to send her. Whatever she replies,
forward it to the coach, and he 
will type out a reply for you to send her.
As you watch, you will find her getting attracted to you.
Even though the coach does 
all the work, he’ll explain to you why he
wrote those messages and
 you’ll get the hang of it.



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